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About Aresti

Viña Aresti is a multi generational family owned winery situated in Molina, Curicó valley.  Since 1951 they have passionately grown their family project.

“Our Family passion and dedication is the driving force and energy that inspires us day to day. It is the love for family, the land and work well done.  It is the effort, sacrifice and precision with which we patiently cultivate our vineyards.  It is the professionalism with which we undertake our challenges, knowing how to live life to the fullest.  In short, the heart and soul of how we live and pass on the teachings of our parents, and the way we instill our values in our children.”

Ana María Aresti López

Begoña Aresti López

Aresti Wines

Codigo de Familia 380

Family Collection Assemblage

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